Central Cemetries
Region F, Zone 4
The cemetery is laid out in neat straight roads with designated religious sections, including Dutch Reformed, Church of England, Roman Catholic, Hindu, Muslim and Jewish. The Jewish and Muslim sections each have their own entrances and, in the corner of the cemetery, is a crematorium established in 1932. This is the burial place of award-winning musician Enoch Sontonga, the composer of Nkosi SikeleliAfrica.
Against the fence Braamfontein lies a section of Pauper’s graves, which are unmarked. These were recently discovered to be those of the miners from the 1922 Miner’s Strike. Not far from here are the graves of the once-infamous Foster Gang, who gripped the public’s imagination with a wild chase and shoot-out with the police in 1914.
Area Manager
Zolile Mpophoma