22 August 2022
Joburg Zoo is browsing for your leafy branches.

The air is crisper, and spring is just around the corner. Joburg residents are kick-starting their gardens and pruning their trees ahead of the summer months. But why waste good food when the Joburg Zoo will gladly accept your leafy branches for our animals to snack on?
Our herbivores enjoy leafy and crunchy browse throughout the year, however, zookeepers occasionally struggle to provide foliage for enrichment supposes, especially during the winter months. Animals, like the giraffe, Eland, Bongo, Nyala and elephants particularly enjoy a variety of browse as a source of enrichment, so we can never have too much!
Please let us know if you’ll be removing any of the following indigenous trees:
  1.  Sickle bush tree
  2.  Tamboti
  3.  Knob Tree
  4.  Bush willow
  5.  Buffalo thorn
  6.  Mulberry
  7.  White stinkwood
  8.  Rhus Lance
  9.  False Olive
  10.  Yellowwood
  11.  Fever tree
  12.  Natal Mahogany
  13.  Weeping boer bean

Should you require any information and/or drop-off zones, please contact our keepers, Alice Masombuka on 076 247 2753 or Philemon Magoba 067 055 0002.

Media enquiries can be directed to Noeleen Mattera: PR & Media Relations, Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo T: 011 712-6722 / E: nmattera@jhbcityparks.com; www.jhbcityparksandzoo.com Follow us on Twitter @JoburgParksZoo, Instagram and on Facebook